As part of their 2008 Reunion, Langston alumni got together Saturday morning, July 5, 2008, to bend a few elbows, and also bend a few ears.

There was plenty of fun and games to go around, as former classmates swapped stories and got to catch up on each others' activities since the last reunion in 2006.
"We love this time of the get-together," one alumnus told me. "There's always plenty of good gossip to go around, but because we're all a little older now, we've got a lot more sympathy for the ones we're gossiping about."

The fun and games, also included games of basketball, but only "the easy part," says organizer Barbara Love-Watterson. "We have the 'best free thrower' in the bunch, and the 'most free point scorer' competition. They're not the full-scale basketball games that we used to play, but they're easy for our age group of master," she laughed. There was also a horseshoe-pitching competition, pitting some of the best arms and the best eye-to-object coordination in the bunch. The award winners will be announced at the Reunion Banquet later in the day.

Fellow alumni from George Clem High School in Greeneville, Douglass High School in Elizabethton, and Douglass High School in Kingsport were also invited to join their Langston comrades to participate in the morning's activities. From this gathering, the Langston Reunion would organize activities for future reunions. Lunch was also provided for visitors and attendees, and a good time was had by all who attended.
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